Our students are ambassadors for St Nicholas of Myra and should wear their correct uniform with pride at all times.

How a St Nicholas student wears the uniform gives a clear message about how the student sees themselves and the school. Our uniform helps promote a sense of community and belonging and helps students develop a real sense of school spirit.

Students should only wear their sports uniform on the days allocated for their grade's sports lessons. Sports days are:

  • Kindergarten: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Years 1 & 2: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Years 3 & 4: Wednesday and Friday
  • Years 5 & 6: Wednesday and Thursday

Wearing a school hat during lunch and fruit break is compulsory - ‘No School Hat, No Play’ - no other hats or caps will be allowed, even on a temporary basis.

The St Nicholas of Myra School Bag is compulsory for all years. No other bags are acceptable.


Hair Styling, Grooming & Jewellery Expectations

Hair Styling

Students are expected to keep their hair clean, neat and tidy at all times. Students are to keep hair off their face and out of their eyes. Haircuts are to be in a sensible and conventional style.

The following hairstyles are not permitted:

  • Zero fades or mullets
  • Shaved (Whole head)
  • Undercuts, steps, lines, rat’s tails
  • Streaks, colour, dyes or excessive gel or hair spray
  • Long hair that covers the collar, the ears, or the eyes when brushed forward

Girls hair longer than touching the collar must be tied back by a ribbon, ‘scrunchy’, hair band or clip. These must be in school uniform colours (navy or light blue).

The following hairstyles are not permitted:

  • Streaks
  • Colour
  • Dyes
  • Excessive gel or hair spray

In the interest of safety and security, no jewellery should be worn. A watch, gold or silver bangle or bracelet that cannot be removed, are permitted. A plain gold silver or gold chain with a religious symbol or medal may be worn under the child’s shirt out of sight. (However, this is not recommended due to valuable items being lost in the playground and children and parents being greatly upset at the loss).

Girls are permitted one pair of sleepers or plain studs to be worn in the lower ear lobe. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings at school or at any school activities.

No other jewellery is permitted.

Make-up and nail polish are not part of the school uniform. Students wearing make-up or coloured nail polish will be asked to remove it.

Valuable toys and equipment should not be brought to school.

Students are NOT TO HAVE mobile phones at school. If, for an extreme emergency, your child needs to have a mobile phone for after school, they are required to leave it at the school office during the day. A letter of explanation will need to be sent seeking approval from the Principal.

Students are not to wear smartwatches that have photo, video or phone capabilities. These watches are causing a distraction to our valuable learning time and breach child protection protocols.


Students should be in full school uniform for all excursions and school events or they may not be permitted to participate.

School uniform for St Nicholas of Myra Penrith



Uniform Purchases

Midford, School Shops Online

Uniforms can be purchased online from our supplier Midford. 

Before accessing the online shop for the first time, parents/carers will need to create an account.


St Nicholas of Myra Primary Penrith Clothing Pool
School Clothing Pool

The school has a clothing pool of second-hand items. Parents can contact the school to arrange a time to purchase these items.

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